IpdDecryptor is a utility that allows you to decrypt your encrypted BlackBerry's backup file (IPD file). Once you decrypt the IPD file, there are many utilities to view/edit the decrypted IPD file. If you forgot the password, you may want to try "password attack" feature. IpdDecryptor will attack by given password list and/or numbers.
If you don't know the password and add a password "sakisaki" in the password list, IpdDecryptor will attack with:
Append numbers...
sakisaki0, sakisaki1, sakisaki2, sakisaki01, sakisaki001, sakisaki0001, sakisaki9995 and so on.
Attack with uppercase and lowercase...
sakisaki, Sakisaki, SAKISAKI, sakisaki1234, Sakisaki1234, SAKISAKI1234 and so on.
Attack with simple numbers...
0, 1, 01, 001, 0001, 00001, 000001, 2, 3, 999995 and so on.